Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 39

A picture of something unexpected.

No, my cell phone is not unexpected.  But, a certain phone call was!

After nearly seven years of silence, a very familiar and confident voice rang through the phone.

"Is this Liz?"

It takes me back to 2002 and a nervous drive to a rather non-descript building on run-down Portland Avenue. As I screwed up my courage and bravely opened the door, a small room with empty tables and chairs were kept company by a friendly, welcoming man wearing a kippah.

"Liz Henderson?"

Now, that was unexpected, too!  Not often did I come to a strange place to find a complete stranger who instantly knew my name.  It was my first step into the congregation that I dearly loved for so many years. I was surprised then, just as I was to hear his voice through my cell phone as I sat in my car. I guess what was so unexpected about that phone call was not just the fact that we hadn't spoken for close to seven years, but the amazing timing of that call.  My phone rang at precisely the time that I was to be sitting in a meeting, a very important meeting, to discuss the difficult and heartbreaking situation with congregational leadership of that beloved, but now former, congregation.  That meeting was a complete disaster, unfortunately, but it sure started with a jolt - that unexpected phone call!

You might say it was providential.

It was also unexpected that, close to seven years ago, the owner of that confident voice left that same beloved congregation under circumstances that were less than optimal, to say the least.  That was very unexpected and heartbreaking, to be sure. Since that time, the LORD has taken him and his family on a journey which has been, on many occasions, very unexpected.

Since that unexpected phone call, much has happened.  I believe it all to be planned and ordained by a loving and compassionate G-d, who always had everything well in hand.  I praise Him for that voice that called that day back in January.  I praise the LORD for his forgiveness, courage, compassion and shepherding.  I praise the LORD that, of all people, he is the only one that can completely understand what difficulties I have endured for the past months...years really, for he himself endured much the same.

He is most certainly a blessing...was, and still is, absolutely unexpected.

1 comment:

Ari C'rona said...

Yes, that was unexpected to put it mildly! What an absolute blessing! :o)

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