Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 19

A picture of your biggest insecurity.


I guess my biggest insecurity is my eyes.  I have always had eye 'issues', starting when I was born.  After a difficult birth, my eyes were not in such great shape.  In fact, one was so filled with blood, the doctor wanted to remove it.  Thankfully, my parents opted not; a fact that I'm grateful for today, that's for sure!

I wore glasses from the age of three.  My parents took pity on me when I was in the eighth grade and blessed me with (green tinted) hard contact lenses.  Man, that was awesome!

When I got pregnant, I was not able to wear my contact lenses anymore due to changes in the eyes that occur when a woman is expecting.  Unfortunately, after having our three beautiful children (none of which need glasses at the moment, thankfully), I was not able to wear the contacts anymore.  So, it was back to glasses...


I bought the most invisible, lightweight frames and lenses available.  Spendy, they were!  Then, after a few years, my beloved husband put money aside for me to get Lasik surgery.

In one day I went from absolute dependence on glasses to not needing anything in order to see clearly.  Well, fairly clear, anyway.  After my initial procedure, I had to wait a bit, then go in for a 'touch up' on one of my eyes.

Currently, I don't have 20/20 vision, but it's pretty close...close enough.  I still have some issues where I am not able to see clearly due to floaters, dry eye and just plain ole getting old and needing reading glasses (Lasik doesn't fix that problem, unfortunately).  I got some distance glasses a couple of years ago to aid in driving, especially when everything is grey (which happens a lot here in the PNW) and for night driving.

So, that's my insecurity - my eyesight.  Sometimes I can't see as well as others and miss details - man, I hate that.  Or I can't see a street sign and miss an important turn.

But, there is an upside to having one of your senses diminished - your other senses are heightened.  My hearing is stellar, and for that, I'm grateful!

my view is always in soft focus...
which makes everyone look great!


Ari C'rona said...

You have beautiful eyes, my friend! :o)

Liz Henderson (Hendel D'bu) said...

Got this great comment from a dear friend - I wanted to share it here:

"I used to be insecure a lot but I realize now that I allowed myself to be so. It began when I was constantly compared to my sisters (having my shortcomings always pointed out) to eventually measuring myself against people I admired or "idolized". Needless to say I had to realize that I could never measure up to impossible expectations. I had to learn I am just as I was meant to be."

Thank you for sharing this - great wisdom. :-)

Mama Cache said...

Thanks for the soft focus, my friend.

I love you, and I'm thankful for photography -- it's not often I get to see those eyes in person, you know.

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