Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I Love About Winter

OK, so here's a challenge! Anyone who has ever read any of my writing knows quite well that winter is not my favorite season of the year. Yeah, birthday is in winter, which might make it a shoe-in for fave. Not so, even though I tried to trick everyone, myself included, by claiming winter was my favorite season. (That may have been because my parents actually kept the house at a comfortable temperature, but I'm not sure.)

At any rate, let's get to it...

What I Love About Winter

Listening to the rain hit the window on a cold, rainy night while snuggled up in a warm bed.

Curling up on the couch with a good book, a cup of hot tea and a snoozy cat.

The brisk, fresh air right after a heavy rain.

Stormy weather at the coast.

Wearing turtlenecks and my favorite fleece ponchos.

Cheerful, crackling fires in the fireplace.

I love writing in the quietness of winter - the other seasons are just not quiet.

Eggnog, special lattes at Starbucks and pumpkin pie.

Squirrels looking for their stash in the snow.

The sound of a mean winter wind whipping through the tall evergreens.

Fat little birds sitting on naked tree branches.

Clear, starry nights when the temperature drops.

The way misty-fog collects in the low-lying meadows.

Boots, boots and more boots!

Seeing your breath in the cold and trying to make 'smoke rings'.

The excitement of losing power (which evaporates quickly, I might add).

Hot soup that makes you feel warm from the inside out.

Guilt-free hibernating.

Lighting candles - they just seem brighter in the winter.

Watching the kids play in the snow.


There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you....
In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other;
only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches
when you can savor belonging to yourself.
~Ruth Stout


Ari C'rona said...

Nicely done, my friend! :o)

Mole said...

It is almost midnight, and I am curled between blankets listening to a cow peeing on a flat rock. What does that say to you?????

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