Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 51

A picture of something you consider part of your legacy.

leg'a'cy, n, something transmitted by or received from an ancestor
or predecessor or from the past...

I have thought for a bit about this one - obscure it is, for sure. Difficult to take a photograph of invisible concepts such as the good character, honesty, and morals I am hoping to impart to my children. I could possibly take a photo of my children - they could be the legacy I have donated to society, right? Or how about those scads of photos I have taken over the years? They could be considered a legacy for the history-seekers a hundred years from now, I suppose.

Truly, I believe I have a different legacy. No, I'm not an author, nor have I been traditionally published. I am not an important personality, business genius or influential leader. But, I have left an impression on some, to be sure, with my blog. That blog, which was started on a whim, has become the portrait and heartbeat of who I am and the message I want to leave.

Blogging. The new legacy.

Salvation Comes
by Hendel D'bu
August 2011

What if everything that happened was for a distinct and directed purpose?

What if that intense pain, that bleeding heartbreak, those words that cut like a knife were meant to strengthen, empower and embolden? Is that possible?

What if the very situation that is the pinnacle of hurt, the thing you most dislike speaking about, the most degrading and humiliating position you have found yourself, was the very thing that gave you the ability, wisdom and words to help someone else?

What if the unspeakable, unimaginable turn of events that made your life absolutely miserable was the only experience that could help another soul that had walked the same path?

Hard to think about, isn't it?

If I believe that the LORD is in control of everything, that He is truly sovereign in all things, then I have to affirm that the very thing that I begged to be taken from me was allowed and purposed for good. For if I had not been judged unjustly, my character assassinated mercilessly, my name slandered even still, then I would not be able to understand the pain of another who has endured the same. And how in the world can we bear anothers burden if we cannot understand what they have been through?

A good character is the best tombstone. 
Those who loved you and were helped by you 
will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. 
Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.

~Charles Spurgeon


Ari C'rona said...

What an awesome legacy it is, my dear friend. I'm so very grateful that we can benefit from it now. Love you. :o)

Mama Cache said...

And what a legacy your blog is! Wonderfully chosen. Wonderfully written. Thank you so, so much.

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Blog content and images are copyrighted; all other content is copyrighted by their respective sources. Permission to duplicate may be requested of author or sources cited.