Monday, May 28, 2012

Question No. 39

Truly, when it's all said and done, it's not what I have done, 
but what my Savior has done. 

I could keep all the commands, spread myself thin doing good deeds, always say the right things and encourage all those around me to love HaShem. I could be strict on eating kosher, dress most modest, pray every morning and read my bible every night. I could be held in high regard by my peers and children alike for all my good deeds, but they would still be as dirty rags in the eyes of the Most Holy One. For it is only by the atonement fulfilled by Yeshua HaMashiach, my Savior and Redeemer, that I will ever be able to stand holy and justified.

I don't mean to be pithy or preachy, but this question almost begs for such an answer. I make every effort not to live in the hypothetical, and this question is forcing me to look to the end of my life, of which I have no idea when or where that will take place (thankfully!). The last chapter of my life has not been written yet, so how in the world can I even begin to answer in the way intended?

The bottom line is that I hope I am a person of action more than just talking a good line. I strongly believe in walkin' the talk. May I always have the strength to do so.

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