Friday, May 4, 2012

Question No. 35

I was a pretty precocious and cocky young person...I know, shocking. But, even I changed my mind when I realized:

...that it is just plain irritating to have a messy room.

...that I don't need to say everything that pops into my head, even if it's funny.

...that my parents really did do the best they could, and that parenting is much harder than it looks.

...that money doesn't buy happiness, but it does eliminate some stress.

...that 50 isn't really that old.

...that being __lbs lighter is never going to make me happier.

...that perhaps skipping out on college wasn't such a grand plan.

...that changing lovers really just means exchanging one set of idiosyncrasies for another.

...that less is more.


Ari C'rona said...

Oh, yeah - I've had to revamp my so much of my thinking over the years. B"H!

Mama Cache said...

This is one question that I'd like to spend some time mulling over.

Loved reading your answers, often nodding in recognition. ;-)

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