Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Question No. 28

proud, adj., feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself.
I am proud of quite a few things in my life, although I feel a little uncomfortable talking about them. I have no 'right' to feel proud of anything that has been gifted to me by the grace and mercy of my LORD. Without His provision, I would have, and would be, nothing.

I'm proud of my children, of course.
I'm proud of my husband and his intelligence.
I'm proud of my parents.

But, something I've done?

I'm proud of keeping the vows I have made, despite difficulty and pain.
I'm proud of years of making festivals memorable and meaningful for others.
I'm proud of the years of being part of something bigger than myself.
I'm proud of developing true friendship and relationship with broken people.
I'm proud of apologizing to my mother for all the pain I caused her.
I'm proud of being able to be there for others when they are hurting.

Flowers are a proud assertion 
that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Mama Cache said...

You certainly have done and been all that. How many souls could testify to the truth of it? So, so many.

I love having known you well enough to affirm it, myself. You've touched lives both near and far, and that is no small thing. Thanks. Thanks forever.

Ari C'rona said...

Yes, I take so much pleasure in having watched you live out the commands of the Master and for being privileged to share in some of them with you, my dear friend. I'm forever grateful to the One who gifted you. :o)

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