Sunday, March 4, 2012

Question No. 9


3,000 miles away would put me all the way on the opposite coast of the United States, if I went eastward. If I went westward, I would end up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on my way to Japan. Southward, Mexico would be the destination and northward...well, how does the icy tundra sound? I would definitely miss civilization, that's for sure!

If I moved 3,000 miles away, I would miss the comforting familiarity of surroundings, weather, food, people...home. No matter where you are from, you bear an imprint of that place, that environment. Your speech, how you dress, how you eat and how you live your life, your philosophy even, reflects your hometown, your beginnings. So, for me, that is what I would miss most...familiarity.

Also, being in close proximity to the beach, the real beach...
the Washington (and Oregon) coast.


Ari C'rona said...

Excellent answer! I would never have thought of that one! Hmm... now I'll do some thinking on my own.

MiMi said...

Oh the REAL BEACH is on the EAST coast! Ha! Myrtle Beach, Virginia Beach, the Outer Banks of NC, Miami South Beach... all great places to play in A warm ocean, with seashells, jellyfish, stinky fish, broken glass, fish hooks & the list goes on ... Ha!
Shalom, Susann R from NC...

asl4god said...

Having moved FROM 3000 miles away, it's certainly a different world on the other side. The beaches are certainly quite different, for sure. I will say that if you did move 3000 miles away, I'd miss you more than you know.

Amanda from Seattle said...

I moved from North Carolina to Seattle, a distance of 2200 to 2900 miles depending on if you go as the crow flies or not :-), and the things I miss most are food related!
Boiled Peanuts, Fried Okra, Grits, stuff, that even if you do get it here, it is just not the same.

Mama Cache said...

If I moved 3000 miles in your direction, I'd overshoot by about 500 miles. Then I'd still be missing you! *hug*

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