Sunday, December 4, 2011

Favorite Word

Doesn't everyone have a favorite word?

If you read my writing at all, you may know that I like to use this word whenever I can.

more·o·ver /môrˈōvər/
adverb: As a further matter; besides: "moreover, glass is electrically insulating".
synonyms: furthermore - besides - further - too - in addition

And why, you ask, do I favor this word? Oh, I don't know...usually I have something more to say, I guess. I have a rather bad habit of starting sentences with the word and, but and however, maybe moreover is the same but sounds a bit more sophisticated. Heh.

I'm also pretty fond of furthermore...


Ari C'rona said...

It sounds very scholarly - just sayin' :o)

Mama Cache said...

". . . usually I have something more to say"

You are not alone. ;-)

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