Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 4

A picture of your day.

Yeah, you read that right...a photo of my day.  Well, which day?  of which season?  Was it a good day or a bad day?  A melancholy day or flat out 'splat' day?

I'd like to feature a pleasant day, really.  A day while on the road or by the beach.  A day where circumstances hadn't went awry leaving myself and those around me reeling.  I'd like to relive a day that had love and laughter, kindness and peace... a day full of memories that make me smile.  Well, I suppose I have plenty of pics of those types of days. 

But what was requested was a photo of my day; a snap that reflects my current day...which would be a rainy January day.

And yes - a good portion of my days are rainy and spent looking through the windshield of my Speeder.

An outing on a rainy January Shabbat, Pt. Defiance Park, Tacoma

How 'bout a different type of "picture"?

"Have a great day, honey" * two more hours of sleep * 6:30am * coffee pot * slippers * quiet * jedi mug and creamer for my coffee * devotion * facebook * email * chores * homeschool * shower * lunchtime * "Lisa's here!" * workout * errands * laughter * music * phone call * hugs from Taylor * prayer * another phone call * "how was your day, sweetheart?" * kiss * evening meeting * shopping * dinner * writing * glass of merlot * jams * reading * head meets pillow * thank you LORD for another day...


Ari C'rona said...

Love the 'pictures' of your day, my friend! Your approach is so much different than mine will be... :o)

Mama Cache said...

You have lived 16,822 days. Cool little stat, don't you think? Thanks for sharing, not just this snapshot day, but so many others, as well.

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